Respondent Profile
Gender, age, postcode and identity information is collected in a standard way via the Question Bank feature in the Culture Counts survey builder. This enables demographic data to be aggregated across the database and filtered to understand trends and differences in engagement and outcomes by demographic.
The charts below show the gender, age and identity breakdown of arts and culture survey respondents in 2023-24. Over 25,000 respondents provided their gender, over 53,000 provided their age, and over 15,000 provided their identity classification. The results are also compared by artform.
How to use these chart
The benchmarks for non-Dimension questions shown in the rest of this report are presented in a similar format. For choice-based questions, the typical percentage of respondents is shown using a range from the Q1 (25th percentile) to Q3 (75th percentile) values, known as the interquartile range. The solid line represents the median result. Hover over the bars to see the values for each in detail.
If your result is above the median (solid line), it demonstrates that it is higher than the typical survey. Results that fall outside the interquartile range demonstrate either a score that has exceeded the benchmark (above Q3) or fallen short (below Q1), suggesting possible areas of improvement.
For example, if a survey had a percentage of male respondents of 42%, we could see that this is a higher proportion when compared to the typical survey result. Specifically, the Q3 value for the 'Male' category ('Overall' benchmark set) is 31.5%, and so a value of 42% is higher than typical.
Additionally, the size (or spread) of the interquartile range itself can tell us about how much variation there is in the typical result. A large interquartile range means that there are greater differences in survey results, whereas a narrow range indicates that the results are mostly quite similar or consistent.
Overall: 195 surveys, 25,990 responses; Cultural Institutions: 67 surveys, 4,361 responses; Performing Arts: 115 surveys, 17,890 responses; Festivals: 13 surveys, 3,739 responses.
Age Group
Overall: 260 surveys, 53,606 responses; Cultural Institutions: 110 surveys, 23,361 responses; Performing Arts: 127 surveys, 23,430 responses; Festivals: 23 surveys, 6,815 responses.
Overall: 102 surveys, 15,503 responses; Cultural Institutions: 53 surveys, 3,501 responses; Performing Arts: 31 surveys, 6,714 responses; Festivals: 18 surveys, 5,288 responses.