To date (2022), the Culture Counts Evaluation Platform has helped over 80 governments measure outcomes associated with cultural and community experiences. Read on to download our 2014-2020 Report and receive access to our FY21/22 Local Government Benchmark Report.
Community safety and inclusion are important local government objectives. Our big data set shows that from 2014 to 2020, 94% of respondents that replied to Australian local government surveys, agreed that the local event or activity they took part in helping them feel safe and welcome.

The Local Government Data Snapshot (2014 – 2020) provides an overview of results collected since 2014 from local governments around Australia. The report shows the total number of local government sector surveys and responses in the Culture Counts database, and insights into the demographic mix and location of respondents. A key focus of the data is the important outcomes and experiences generated by local governments through their evaluated events, programs and, activities. Download the report.