Using the Culture Counts Platform for Outcomes Measurement
2 min read

Using the Culture Counts Platform for Outcomes Measurement

How do you measure the range of outcomes experienced by the people who engage with your work? How do you understand and communicate the value of your funded programs and activities? Do you know how these measures stack up within your sector?

Culture Counts has carried out extensive work to identify the key elements that contribute to the impact and value of funded programs and activities. This work has included the development of a set of metric statements enabling outcomes to be measured across Cultural, Community, Economic, Social and Environment domains. These outcome metrics statements are able to be benchmarked with relevant organisations and align with the National Local Government Cultural Forum and CDN measurable outcomes framework as well as the Australian Public Libraries (ALIA Guidelines 2015). 

Our Outcomes Framework

Example outcome measures being used by a wide range of arts and cultural organisations; libraries; health, community and education programs; place managers and local governments include:

Cultural Outcomes
Insight: It helped me gain new insight or knowledge

Social Outcomes
Access: It gave me the opportunity to access activities I would otherwise not have access to

Community Outcomes
Belonging: It helped me feel part of the community

Economic Outcomes
Networks: It connected me with other people in my field

Environment Outcomes
Awareness: It opened my eyes to issues in the environment

Library Outcomes
Connection: The library helps me to feel connected to my local community

By using standardised outcome measures, which sit alongside outputs such as membership numbers, attendance figures and lending statistics, organisations can generate comprehensive insights and reinforce the importance of investment in their organisation and the sector.

For more information, visit the Support Hub.

About the author
Culture Counts provides evaluation solutions designed to help you identify, measure and report your impact.