A guide to creating a post-survey action plan
5 min read

A guide to creating a post-survey action plan

Surveys are a powerful tool for gathering feedback from key stakeholders – but the real value lies in how you use the information. With the right approach, insights can be transformed into actionable strategies.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to reinvigorate your surveys by creating a post-survey action plan that gives your data purpose and direction.

Pre-Survey Considerations

To create an effective post-survey action plan, it’s important to set the right foundation before the survey even begins. We’ve highlighted some key considerations to get you started on the right track:

  • Identify outcomes: Clarify what you want to achieve with the survey, whether its understanding stakeholder needs, measuring impact, or tracking trends. Head to our Support Hub to read more about identifying and aligning outcomes .
  • Design your survey: Craft concise, relevant questions that directly address your goals, using both open-ended and close-ended formats to gather diverse insights. Head to our blog to read more about survey consistency.
  • Collect responses: Choose the right channels to reach your audience and ensure the survey is accessible, encouraging honest and high-quality feedback. Click here to read more information about marketing channels.

Post-Survey Action Plan

A post-survey action plan is a roadmap that takes the insights gathered from survey feedback and translates them into clear, actionable steps. The aim is to use this feedback to create positive, measurable change. A good action plan ensures that feedback drives continuous improvement.

Creating a post-survey action plan is a collaborative effort that requires input from key team members to ensure that the feedback is translated into effective, actionable steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your action plan with your team and the essential components to include.

Analyse the data

Thoroughly review the survey responses to uncover trends, themes, and areas that need attention.

  • Review survey results in detail.
  • Identify key trends, common themes, and unexpected insights.
  • Highlight areas for improvement or reinforcement.

Prioritise feedback

Focus on the most impactful feedback to ensure your efforts drive significant change where it matters most.

  • Identify which issues require immediate action.
  • Develop a ranking system that evaluates urgency, ease of implementation, and potential impact.
  • Focus on feedback that affects a large number of respondents or aligns with your original goals.
  • Prioritise changes that will deliver the most significant impact.

Set clear and measurable goals

Define clear objectives that guide your actions and allow you to track progress effectively.

  • Define success with SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). E.G. “Reduce average response time by 15% in the next quarter.”
  • Ensure goals directly address the concerns raised in the survey.

Assign responsibilities

Make sure every action has a clear owner to keep your plan on track and ensure accountability.

  • Allocate ownership for each action point to specific teams or individuals.
  • Ensure all team members understand their roles and responsibilities to avoid delays.

Create a timeline

Break down goals into manageable steps with deadlines to keep the plan moving forward smoothly.

  • Break down goals into smaller, manageable tasks.
  • Set realistic deadlines for each task to keep progress on track.
  • Schedule regular check-ins to monitor progress and adjust timelines if needed.

Develop a communication plan

Keep everyone informed by sharing how feedback has influenced your actions and what changes will be made.

  • Share the actions you’re taking based on the feedback with respondents.
  • Communicate both internally and externally about changes, and emphasise transparency.
  • Let respondents know how their input has led to improvements.

Implement a follow-up plan

Revisit the results after implementing changes to ensure the actions taken have produced positive outcomes.

  • Plan to reassess progress after implementing changes.
  • Re-survey or gather new feedback to determine whether the actions taken have achieved the desired results.
  • Adjust the plan as needed based on ongoing feedback.


Remember, the key is to stay proactive, transparent, and flexible as you implement and monitor your plan. With a detailed post-survey action plan, feedback becomes the foundation for growth and improvement. Happy surveying!

About the author
Lisa Wallace is a Marketing Manager at Culture Counts.