Browser support
Recommended browsers
For the optimum experience and better security using Culture Counts, we recommend updating your browser to the latest version.
The survey application also officially supports these mobile browsers:
- Android 7 or greater
- i0S 14 or greater
- The latest 2 versions of Firefox for mobile
- The latest 2 versions of Chrome on Mobile
- Internet Explorer Mobile on Windows Phone 8
Please note that the Culture Counts dashboard does not currently support mobile browsers.
Outgoing browser support
Culture Counts is updating our browser support. This is because several older browsers are no longer being supported by their official vendors or other technologies that we use at Culture Counts. As a result, Culture Counts may not work as expected on the following browsers:
- Internet Explorer 11
- Microsoft Edge 18
- Google Chrome 79 or below
- Safari 12.1 or below
What if I can’t update my browser?
We want to hear from users who are operating any of the browser versions mentioned above who are unable to update their browser. We’re interested to understand why these browsers are being used and whether there are any barriers to upgrading. Let us know by emailing