Standard, Prior and Post survey types
When setting up a survey within the Culture Counts platform, you can select from three survey ‘types’. These are defined below.

- Standard survey: The standard survey is for your general public audiences or visitors. Respondents are typically asked to complete a standard survey during or after experiencing an activity or visiting a place, to measure the perceived quality and impact of their experience on them.
- Prior survey: Prior surveys allow you to record the expected performance of an activity, to later compare with how the activity was actually perceived. We highly recommend that prior surveys are only completed by peer and self assessors. It is important for the organisation to complete a prior self assessment so as to clarify the objectives and intentions for the activity or event.
- Post survey: Post surveys are also completed by peer and self assessors, to evaluate actual performance against expected performance. Post event data from peer and self assessors can be compared with public data from the standard survey.
When creating prior and post surveys within an evaluation, you must link them together so that Culture Counts knows which data to compare. If you create the prior survey first, tag the survey as a Prior Event on the Configure page. Then, create a new survey and tag this as a Post Event on the Configure page as well. Once tagged as a Post Event, You will see a Survey Link box appear to the right of your Survey Type input on the Configure page.
Select the correct prior survey from the Survey Link dropdown list. Once you click ‘Save and continue’ at the bottom of the Configure page, this will then sync the two surveys, copying all questions from your Prior to your Post survey and changing the tense of the dimension statements from future to past. This means that you don’t have to create the same survey twice. All peer and self emails that have been input into the prior survey are copied across to the post survey as well.